Thank you for visiting Kidron Christian College and Seminary online. Our website highlights the wide variety of degrees, courses and educational opportunities available. We offer associate's degrees, bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and doctoral degrees.
If you feel the call to Christian service but feel that you need to be properly prepared, please contact us for more information or to request a personal evaluation for a degree plan.
If you are interested in courses but do not desire to work on a degree, our audit program may be the answer for you. It is our goal to educate and equip men and women to be both outstanding ministers and educators of the Word of God.
Our curriculum focuses on the five areas necessary for proper interpretation of the biblical text. The five areas are culture of the First Century, history, archaeology, geography, and language. It is our intention to restore First Century Christianity as taught and practiced by Jesus.
We are committed to an educational pattern that is rooted in early Christian traditions in which teachers assume the full responsibility for the transfer of experiential wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. With that in mind, the student must assume the responsibility to diligently work and study to show that they have the necessary tools to rightly divide the Word of Truth. It is our belief that that is not possible without training in the original languages. For that reason, each student will take classes in both Hebrew and Greek.
Kidron Christian College and Seminary is accredited by ACI, Accrediting Commission International, which is primarily a private school association unrelated to government accreditation. ACI is the largest non-governmental accreditation agency in the United States.
Kidron Christian College and Seminary has been granted an exemption from licensure under Arkansas Code 6-51-603(5) by the Arkansas State Board of Private Career Education: 612 South Summit Street, Suite 102, Little Rock, AR 72201-4740 / Phone: 501-683-8000 / Fax: 501-683-8020 / E-mail: sbpce@arkansas.gov / Website: www.sbpce.org
The Director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education has determined that Kidron Christian College and Seminary does not offer courses and/or degree programs customarily offered at colleges and universities and has issued an Exemption from Certification for programs to be offered by Kidron Christian College and Seminary in Arkansas.
Different Ways to Work on a Degree
All degrees can be earned in one of three ways -- classroom, distance (combination DVD and research) and professor-guided independent research. Our associate's degree is written around 120 thirty-minute episodes of An Abundance of Grace which teaches and gives examples of Hebrew concepts in the New Testament. These concepts find their beginning not in the New Testament but in Torah, the first five books of the Bible. These programs, along with Hebrew I, guided research with testing by quizzes and papers, will constitute four semesters. Each semester will consist of 15 credit hours for a total of 60 credit hours. This Associate's Degree of Biblical Studies is foundational to all degrees.
All other degrees from bachelor's to doctoral will be done by classroom, DVD and/or professor-guided research. Each student is individually evaluated, and a degree program is developed for that student's desired area of study. Kidron will adjust classes to overcome weaknesses in any academic area as well as to enhance areas of strength.
Please refer to student handbook for tuition costs, fees, scholarships, and grants that can be awarded by Kidron to the student. All tuition is reasonably priced for the quality of education the student receives. All scholarships or grants are awarded on a case-by-case basis.

Learn to study the Bible in the original languages. Learn to read and understand Hebrew and Greek.
From the President
The concept of Kidron Christian College and Seminary sprang from a heart dedicated to teaching strong academics while concen-trating on walking out that education in a practical way.
Hebraic thought emphasizes that learning without practical application is wasted time. Therefore, each student is strongly encouraged to walk out what he or she has learned.
Along with various assignments, a mentoring format is instituted in each degree program to ensure that application is as important as knowledge. To illustrate this, consider the connection between the two words "student" and "heart."
In Hebrew the word for student is talmid (תלמיד), and the word for heart is lev (לב). The connection between the two words is found in the letter lamed (ל). This connection shows that in order to be an effective student, you must have heart. Therefore, to the Hebraic mind, a good student is one who allows the Lord to change his heart by what he learns.
Kidron Ministerial Association
One of the purposes of Kidron Christian College and Seminary is to develop and maintain not only quality degree programs but to build an academic community for like- minded individuals. Each graduating student earning a bachelor's degree or higher is qualified to enroll in the Kidron Ministerial Association.
The purpose of the association is to provide a qualified member with licensing and ordination credentials. These credentials, once awarded, are renewable on a yearly basis. In addition, the ministerial association will offer a forum for advancement in the Kidron Society of Scholars.
At the present time, there are four earned levels in the Society. Kidron Ministerial Association is open to all who are presently degreed and/or hold licensing credentials. For more details, click here.
Teaching Articles
Check out the Articles tab where you can find informative articles by Dr. Wheeler, Dr. Shadwick and several of our students and other professors from Kidron Christian College and Seminary.
Degree Credit Hours
The required credit hours per degree are listed below:
Associate's degree: 60 credit hours
Bachelor's degree: 120 credit hours
Master's degree: 38 credit hours,
including thesis
Doctoral degree: 48 credit hours,
including dissertation

Be Sure to Visit The Bookstore
Check the bookstore not only for student textbooks but for books for supplemental reading as well. Also, check for monthly specials on books, DVDs and CDs.
Nondiscriminatory Policy
Kidron Christian College and Seminary admits students of any race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college.
Did You Know ...
In the story of the sacrifice of Abraham and Isaac, the Scripture says that Abraham took his (knife) to offer Isaac as a sacrifice. The word for knife is very interesting. In Hebrew, this word is מַאֲכֶ֫לֶת (ma'achelet). The root of this word is אכל. This root means "to eat." Are you feasting on your covenant with the Lord today? Remember, His hand is stayed against you.