Associate Degree in Biblical Studies
Course # ....... Course Name
Year 1 - Fall Semester
BLAN1301 ............ Biblical Hebrew I
BCUL1302 ............ Ethics of the Fathers I - Pirkei Avot
BHER2305 ............ Hebrew Bible Study Methodology I
BCUL1301 ............ Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament I
BSTU1301 ............ The Torah Survey
Year 1 - Spring Semester
BLAN2301 ............ Biblical Hebrew II
BCUL1302 ............ Ethics of the Fathers II
BCUL2301 ............ Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament II
HEBS1301 ............. The Roots of Our Faith
BGEO2304 ........... Biblical Regional Settings I
Year 2 - Fall Semester
CHIS1301 ........... History of the First Century Church
BFEA3301 ............ The Feasts of the Lord - External
BCUL3301 ............ Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament III
BGEO3304 ........... Biblical Regional Settings II - Geography
BHER4301 ............ Biblical Hermeneutics - 7 Rules of Hillel
Year 2 - Spring Semester
BHER2304 ............ Greek Bible Study Methodology I
BARC2301 ............ Biblical Archaeology
CLEA1301 ............. Christian Leadership
BFEA3302 ............. The Feasts of the Lord - Internal
BSTU4323 ............. Hebraic Look at the Gospel of John
The courses required for the associate degree listed above only serve as examples. Each course of study is developed for the individual student. After the initial interview with the student, a specific course of study is designed based upon the individual's area of interest. In all degree levels from certificate through doctoral, certain core classes must be taken. These core classes include but are not limited to: Hebrew I and II, Hebrew Bible Study Methodology, Greek Bible Study Methodology, and Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament I and II.
Kidron Christian College and Seminary reserves the right to make changes based upon the student’s proficiency and rate of progress. If a student is weak in an area of study, extra assignments may be given to overcome the weakness. Each class is three credit hours, constituting 18 credit hours per semester. The contact or clock hours of each 3-credit-hour course is 48.
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