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Bachelor of Christian Counseling

Between the Junior and Senior years, each student will be assigned a 10-week practicum to be completed under the leadership of a mentor.


NOTE: Each course is 3 Credit Hours; 15 Total Credit Hours per Semester.

Course # .......  Course Name


Year 1 - Fall Semester

BLAN1301 ............  Biblical Hebrew I
CHIS1301  ............  History of the First Century Church - Jesus to Constantine
HEBS1301 ............  The Roots of Our Faith
BCUL1301 ............  Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament I
BSTU1301 ............  The Torah -- Survey


Year 1 - Spring Semester

BLAN2301 ............  Biblical Hebrew II
BCUL1302 ............  Ethics of the Fathers I - Pirkei Avot
BCUL2301 ............  Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament II

BCUL1307 ............  Jewish Jesus and His Times
BSTU3304 ............  The Synoptic Gospels -- Survey

Year 2 - Fall Semester

BLAN1302 ............  Biblical Greek I
BFEA3301  ............  The Biblical Feasts of the Lord -- External
BMIN4302 ............  Pastoral Communication

BSTU2312 ............  Understanding Nevi'im
BHER2305 ............  Hebrew Bible Study Methodology


Year 2 - Spring Semester

BHER2304 ............  Greek Bible Study Methodology
BSTU2305 ............  The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
CCOU3310 ...........  The Biblically Skilled Helper

BFEA3302 .............  The Biblical Feasts of the Lord -- Internal
BSTU2313 ............  Understanding Ketuvim

Year 3 - Fall Semester

XXXX3000 ............  Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc
                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc


Year 3 - Spring Semester

XXXX3005 ............  Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc
                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

Year 4 - Fall Semester

XXXX4001 ............  Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc
                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc


Year 4 - Spring Semester

XXXX4005 ............  Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc
                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

                   ...........   Class - National Christian Counselors Assoc

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