Bachelor of Ministry
Between the Junior and Senior years, each student will be assigned a 10-week practicum to be completed under the leadership of a mentor.
NOTE: Each course is 3 Credit Hours; 15 Total Credit Hours per Semester.
Course # ....... Course Name
Year 1 - Fall Semester
BLAN1301 ............ Biblical Hebrew I
CHIS1301 ............ History of the First Century Church - Jesus to Constantine
HEBS1301 ............ The Roots of Our Faith
BCUL1301 ............ Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament I
BSTU1301 ............ Understanding The Torah -- Survey
Year 1 - Spring Semester
BLAN2301 ............ Biblical Hebrew II
BCUL1302 ............ Ethics of the Fathers I - Pirkei Avot
BCUL2301 ............ Hebrew Concepts of the New Testament II
BCUL1307 ............ Jewish Jesus and His Times
BSTU3304 ............ The Synoptic Gospels -- Survey
Year 2 - Fall Semester
BLAN1302 ............ Biblical Greek I
BFEA3301 ............ The Biblical Feasts of the Lord -- External
BSTU4304 ............ The Temple I
BSTU2312 ............ Understanding Nevi'im
BHER2305 ............ Hebrew Bible Study Methodology
Year 2 - Spring Semester
BHER2304 ............ Biblical Greek Study Methodology
BSTU3381 ............ The Temple II
BSTU2320 ............ The Epistles -- Survey
CHIS2301 ............ Church History II
BSTU2313 ............ Understanding Ketuvim
Year 3 - Fall Semester
BSTU3310 ............ The Parables of Jesus
BCUL3309 ........... Hebraic Understanding of Home & Family
BSTU4333............. A Hebraic Study of Revelation
CADM4320 .......... Financial Administration of the Church
CADM4310 .......... Church Leadership in Development
Year 3 - Spring Semester
BHER3303 ............ Midrashic Interpretation of the NT Scripture
BMIN2301 ............ Biblical Consecration (Holiness)
BMIN4301 ............ Understanding the Call of God
BMIN1301 ............ Practical Biblical Ministry
BMIN3309 ............ Biblical Homiletics
Year 4 - Fall Semester
BHER4301 ............ Biblical Hermeneutics / 7 Rules of Hillel
BMIN4302 ............ Pastoral Communication
BMIN4390 ............ Ministry Practicum
4000+ ............ Elective Research
4000+ ............ Elective Research
Year 4 - Spring Semester
CADM4321............ Christian Fundraising Management
CLEA1302 ............. Character of a Christian Leader
4000+ ............ Elective Research
4000+ ............ Elective Research
4000+ ............ Elective Research
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